Medium Tulips Bouquet


Treat your mum to the elegance of our stunning bouquet, featuring 50 pristine white tulips beautifully arranged. The bouquet is carefully wrapped and boxed, exuding beauty and sophistication—making it the perfect Mother's Day gift to show your love and appreciation.

Important Information for Your Order

🌿 Fresh Blooms
Your flowers may arrive in bud form rather than fully bloomed. This ensures a longer-lasting display, allowing you to enjoy the beauty of your flowers as they open over time.

💐 Add a Vase
Easily select the vase below to complement your bouquet. It’s the perfect match for your arrangement and will beautifully highlight your flowers. If you'd like your flowers pre-arranged in the vase, just mention it in your order notes.

💌 Include a Personal Message
Want to make it extra special? Add a message with your flowers when placing your order, and don’t forget to include the recipient’s name. This helps us ensure smooth deliveries!

🚚 Delivery & Collection

  • Delivery: Sunday, 30th March, between 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM (Newport & surrounding areas).

  • Collection: Available on 29th & 30th March from The Apple Blossom in May studio. Collection times:

    • 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM on Saturday, 29th March

    • 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM on Sunday, 30th March

  • Need your flowers sooner? No problem! Just contact us, and we’ll do our best to accommodate your request.

📩 Questions?
If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to email us at or message us on Instagram.

Thank you for supporting us! We can’t wait to create something beautiful for you this Mother’s Day! 💕

Add To Basket

Treat your mum to the elegance of our stunning bouquet, featuring 50 pristine white tulips beautifully arranged. The bouquet is carefully wrapped and boxed, exuding beauty and sophistication—making it the perfect Mother's Day gift to show your love and appreciation.

Important Information for Your Order

🌿 Fresh Blooms
Your flowers may arrive in bud form rather than fully bloomed. This ensures a longer-lasting display, allowing you to enjoy the beauty of your flowers as they open over time.

💐 Add a Vase
Easily select the vase below to complement your bouquet. It’s the perfect match for your arrangement and will beautifully highlight your flowers. If you'd like your flowers pre-arranged in the vase, just mention it in your order notes.

💌 Include a Personal Message
Want to make it extra special? Add a message with your flowers when placing your order, and don’t forget to include the recipient’s name. This helps us ensure smooth deliveries!

🚚 Delivery & Collection

  • Delivery: Sunday, 30th March, between 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM (Newport & surrounding areas).

  • Collection: Available on 29th & 30th March from The Apple Blossom in May studio. Collection times:

    • 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM on Saturday, 29th March

    • 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM on Sunday, 30th March

  • Need your flowers sooner? No problem! Just contact us, and we’ll do our best to accommodate your request.

📩 Questions?
If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to email us at or message us on Instagram.

Thank you for supporting us! We can’t wait to create something beautiful for you this Mother’s Day! 💕

Treat your mum to the elegance of our stunning bouquet, featuring 50 pristine white tulips beautifully arranged. The bouquet is carefully wrapped and boxed, exuding beauty and sophistication—making it the perfect Mother's Day gift to show your love and appreciation.

Important Information for Your Order

🌿 Fresh Blooms
Your flowers may arrive in bud form rather than fully bloomed. This ensures a longer-lasting display, allowing you to enjoy the beauty of your flowers as they open over time.

💐 Add a Vase
Easily select the vase below to complement your bouquet. It’s the perfect match for your arrangement and will beautifully highlight your flowers. If you'd like your flowers pre-arranged in the vase, just mention it in your order notes.

💌 Include a Personal Message
Want to make it extra special? Add a message with your flowers when placing your order, and don’t forget to include the recipient’s name. This helps us ensure smooth deliveries!

🚚 Delivery & Collection

  • Delivery: Sunday, 30th March, between 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM (Newport & surrounding areas).

  • Collection: Available on 29th & 30th March from The Apple Blossom in May studio. Collection times:

    • 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM on Saturday, 29th March

    • 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM on Sunday, 30th March

  • Need your flowers sooner? No problem! Just contact us, and we’ll do our best to accommodate your request.

📩 Questions?
If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to email us at or message us on Instagram.

Thank you for supporting us! We can’t wait to create something beautiful for you this Mother’s Day! 💕

Medium Spring Bouquet
Medium (short) Eco Glass Vases
Small Neutral Jam Jar Posy
Medium Neutral Lily bouquet
Eucalyptus Wrap